Red Hoodie Rocker
KeNnEtH MaH iS mY NaMe..
AdDeD tO tHe wOrLd's PoPuLaTiOn on 30/06/1988
A HaPpY Go LuCkY GuY!!
LoVes tO JoKe aNd sMiLe tHrOuGhOuT hIs LiFe!! =D

AffLiCaTiOn: TP^MeChAtRoNiCs~AeRoSpAcE

1.ThIs Blog iS 100% CoPyRigHtEd
2.Pls Do NoT RiP aNyThInG fRoM HeRe.. If u wAn KnOw AnyThinG fEeL fReE tO Ask
3.No SpAmMeRs Pls.. IP wiLL bE BANNED
4.LasTlY sTiLL nOt HaPpY?? LeaVe!!


::My FaMiLy::
::The BeAcH::
::ThE SuN::
::To MaKe PpL HaPpY::
::To MaKe LoTs Of FrIeNdS::
::To DrIvE aRoUnD::
::To SpEnd My TiMe OuTsIdE::
::To SlAcK::


>CrUmPlEr BaG<
>NewUrbanMale StUfFs!!<
>A NeW HaNdPhOnE ~ E63!!<
>EvErYoNe tO bE HaPpY aRoUnD mE!!<
>A SwEeT AnD WoNdErFuL GirLFrIeNd??<
>SuZuKi SWiFt SpOrTs EdItIoN<
>CanT tInK oF iT Le.. =p Too MaNy WiShEs LiAo<


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To Play Full Song, CLICK HERE!!


:: AtHer & cHeryL ::
:: MeiLaN ::
:: WeNdEe ::
:: ReBeCcA ::
:: JuN JuN ::
:: YiNg yInG ::
:: JaSmInE ::
:: SeReNe ::
:: XiAo RaN ::
:: BaoHuI ::
:: EvOn ::
:: CaSsAnDrA ::
:: YuAn XiN ::
:: MaGdAlEnE ::
:: SiEw LinG ::
:: SiRoNg ::
:: JaNe ::
:: GlOrIa ::
:: SoNg De ::
:: CeLiNe ::
:: SiHuI ::
:: JiAnWeI ::
:: PeiJuan ::
:: GeRmAiNe ::
:: MiChEllE LiM ::
:: AnGeLiNe ::
:: Solo MuMmY a.K.a TaBi ::

:: Xia Xue ::


March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009


Designer and Editor: CherylNeo
Image Hosting; Photobucket
♥ Thursday, January 22, 2009 ♥

Design By Me!! Kinda having fun with Photoshop.. HAHA =p Juz some random post.. Will be back to normal posting ASAP.. HAHA

Mr.EmoKiD™ ~ ♥ 如果我變成回憶 ♥

♥ Tuesday, January 20, 2009 ♥


Mr.EmoKiD™ ~ ♥ 如果我變成回憶 ♥

♥ Saturday, January 17, 2009 ♥

The 4 Of Us..

HEHE ok juz some pictures of fireworks during the new year countdown.. View from Singapore Flyers.. =D All thanks to dat FM and her IPhone.. HAHA =p
Ok ytd whole day out wit my friends.. Shopping at Bugis for clothes.. Finally manage to get the things i like le.. A shirt, Everlast Shoe and 1 scarf.. This year theme for chinese new year will be BLACK.. =.= cause nearly everything got black in it.. HAHA and the idea i get is from a webby dat i browse few days ago.. =)
After shopping went for Lan at parklane.. Ytd lan shops were super crowded.. We went to quite a few lan shops and lastly settled down in 1 but waited for almost 1 1/2 hrs b4 got com.. And now the "IN" game is Left 4 Dead.. HAHA so fun to see ppl play and die.. =p super damn fun especially when playing in teams and the other side are zombies.. =D
Tonight wun be at home till the next morning.. Night Cycling at East Coast Park till dunno where.. Dun reali seem like going.. My friends all backing out.. Daniel got wedding to attend, Zehong go Mahjong.. Haiz hope it would be fun cause i dun tink 15bucks for this night cycling is worth it... But its ok i'm driving there.. =D
Ok shall end here.. Its gaming time b4 i get prepared for the night cycling thing.. So long.. =D

Mr.EmoKiD™ ~ ♥ 如果我變成回憶 ♥

♥ Monday, January 12, 2009 ♥

Ok shall make this blog short and sweet.. Friday suppose to go for supper.. Left home dat time to fetch my friend.. Kenna accident.. the car hit my back of my van.. Not to worry no injuries to passengers and my car is alright.. Thought suppose to have a dent or sth but its onli a few scratches.. HAHA for dat car who knock into me the bumper gone.. HAHA strange ya.. LOL So case settle privately and i got 200dollars as compensation.. As for the scratches?? Juz a bottle of wax will do the job.. HAHA =p
Sch today was usual.. 12pm lesson.. After sch went home get my running shoes and went gym.. Dinner at coffee shop opposite Tampines Secondary.. =D
Currently hook to the game Left 4 Dead.. Juz finish Lan playing with my friends.. Communicating through headset is super fun.. HAHA
Today is the release of O level results.. Hope all O level results takers got their satisifying results.. =D (if u all wan i dun mind recommending TP) HAHA as for my bro, sad to say he didn't make it.. Now my parents like so sianz.. Haiz wat to do he juz cannot make it.. Maybe he will learn his lesson and buck up ba.. All i can say he did his best le.. Hmm ok la going back to bed le.. So long.. zzZ
* Finally pictures but not veri nice ya.. Bear With It.. =.= *

Mr.EmoKiD™ ~ ♥ 如果我變成回憶 ♥

♥ Friday, January 9, 2009 ♥

Hi all.. =D B4 i start juz wan to say I FINALLY HAVE MY NEW BLOGSKIN... Which i waited for SO LONG!!! Thx ah my designer... =x So had spend me whole morning editing my blog.. Its FUN!!! HAHA my favourite.. LOL then went to look for new songs.. A NEW PLAYLIST too!!! =D
Ok proper blogging.. HAHA ytd got back my LTTS Re-sit result.. I PASS!! =D Of the whole level now onli 20pass.. HAHA preparing to receive a special cert from LTT... Dunno whether izzit real, teacher say until the cert got gold.. HAHA nvm its juz a paper.. LOL
Ok open house was ytd.. Went to walk around and find my friends.. Lunch in school and then back home.. Was so tired la.. HAHA 8am lesson sux.. =.=
Today gonna finish up the detctive show.. Veri nice... Actually i dun mind watching again.. LOL =p Ok signing off.. Back with more post and maybe pictures next time ya.. =D

Mr.EmoKiD™ ~ ♥ 如果我變成回憶 ♥

♥ Wednesday, January 7, 2009 ♥

Hidy howdy.. =) ok back to my weekly post.. Monday sch as usual.. Nth special juz making crap out of nth.. HAHA supper at Bedok 85 with my bunch of cliques.. =D nvr expect response was so good till they had a bad squeeze at the back of my van.. HAHA
Tue was holiday for me.. Currently trying to finish the detective show part 2.. Thx ah Han so late pass me the cd.. =.=
Today woke up at 530.. Had appt with CMPB.. The guys thing ya.. MEDICAL CHECKUP.. Reach there exactly at 9am and there was already crowd.. Gosh but nvm didn't have a long wait too.. Photo taking is the 1st station.. That guys was so funny.. I tink he watch Little Nonya too much le.. Ask us wan Robert Zhang or Chen Xi hair style.. And the crap is i said to him i wan Yue Niang hairstyle.. HAHA his stun face super damn funny.. =p Next str8 away tio jackpot.. Blood Test.. Gosh and i'm no.1 among my friends.. All sabo me.. =.= So everything went smoothly.. IQ test was horror!! TO THOSE WHO HAVEN TAKE: DUN DO TILL U FALL ASLEEP CAUSE IT FREAKING DAMN BORING.. Hmm was posted to PES B.. Actually to be PES A but the captain take a look at me then put be in B.. Reason: Too skinny.. HAHA =p Super Heng La...
Tml: TP open house.. Gonna be crowded with ppl.. But too bad lesson as usual.. HAIZ.. K dats all abt it.. Had a tiring day today.. Gonna get some rest b4 i get into mugging mode.. BORING..

Mr.EmoKiD™ ~ ♥ 如果我變成回憶 ♥

♥ Thursday, January 1, 2009 ♥

Its gonna be a Special Year 4 me i guess.. =P

Mr.EmoKiD™ ~ ♥ 如果我變成回憶 ♥